Sunday, July 16, 2017

I'd Still Vote for a Pile of Snickers' Poop

As a backdrop for the title of my post, way back when the Republicans had 15 or so Presidential candidates, I indicated that if the current president somehow emerged as the Republican nominee, I would not only vote for Hillary Clinton, I would vote for Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Mister Ed, Howdy Doody, or even a pile of Snickers’ poop from the backyard before I’d vote for the current president.  Sadly, since then, we had to put Snickers down, and even more sadly since then, America elected the current president.

Being a life-long Republican, some of my fellow Republicans had similar issues with the current president, so they could understand, while others, they couldn’t understand then and they still don’t understand, how could I betray the party?  How could I say I’d vote for the much-hated Hillary Clinton over anybody?  Hard to believe I’m saying it, but I did vote for Mrs. Clinton.  For the first time in my life, after 36 years of voting, I voted for a Democrat for President. 

I got it, and I still get it.  I have always disliked Mrs. Clinton, even more than her husband Bill, ever since they emerged on the political scene way back in the early 90’s.  I believe she is dishonest, unlikable, and I still believe she was complicit in the Whitewater scandal.  Still, I found her to be a much better candidate for president than the current president.  She was smart, she understood politics, and she had a plan.

What I find interesting or amusing is that some of my dear Republican friends are upset or offended that I won’t support or accept the current president as my president.  I must admit that the only other time I have taken this approach was when Bill Clinton was president, again, I truly believed he was involved in the Whitewater scandal, and I didn’t trust his integrity or ethics.  In the case of the current president, I find him too offensive, too unqualified, and too divisive to accept or support.

My question for those of my friends who are upset or offended are:

Should I support him simply because he occupies the office of President of the United States?  Do you mean the way you supported President Obama over the last eight years? 

Should I support him because nothing will happen in this country over the next four years, or God forbid, eight years, if we don’t support him?  Do you mean the way you tried to help President Obama with his agenda over the last eight years?

Should I support him because he’s a Republican, and he can push the Republican agenda?  Do you mean that the Republican agenda is more important than the American agenda? 

Should I support him because that is the patriotic thing to do? Again, I’d go back to the way you supported President Obama over the last eight years, were you patriotic if that is the case?

To be honest, I don’t get it.  I would be happy to understand why it’s so important for me to embrace this president.  Guys, I’ve been there.  I’ve sat around bashing the Democrats, laughing at their ridiculous agendas, amazed that the two best candidates they could come up with were Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, ridiculing them for fixing their own primary, hoping that Nancy Pelosi is forever in charge.    I bashed Bill Clinton to death, I had an irrational hatred (I really don’t like that word, but really, it’s the best way I can describe how I felt) for Mr. Clinton.  I’ve heard the way you talked about Barack Obama.  Help me understand!

It’s funny, I just saw a survey of Republicans that essentially said it’s unpatriotic to criticize the current president to foreigners, but a similar poll four years ago of Republicans said it was unpatriotic not to criticize President Obama to foreigners.  Have we grown this divided, have we gotten to the point where logic and rational thinking don’t matter, it purely comes down to which side of the political aisle you are on, and by God, you better never cross the aisle?

If you’ll remember several months ago, many Republicans lauded Ted Cruz when he flip-flopped on his vow to never support the current president.  If you’ll also remember, the current president had some very harsh words for Ted Cruz’ wife and his late father.  I’m sorry, if you criticize my wife or my late father, I don’t care how big you are, or how big of an ass-kicking I may get, we’re going to take it outside to settle the issue.  After that, our relationship is ended, my wife and my father’s legacy are too vital to me.  I was never a fan of Ted Cruz, but for him, or any of the others who have flip-flopped, I hold you in very low respect.  If you have values or integrity, you hold to that no matter what.  Thankfully at least a few Republicans, like John McCain and John Kasich, do have some morals and integrity left, most have checked them at the door.

As I noted earlier, I find so many issues with the current president, but the biggest issue I have when I view him is he is not a leader.  Now, I could find various books about leadership, and recite for you the traits of a leader, but as I think back over my 35+ year career, I’ve worked for some great leaders.  I’ll mention just a few from the past (it wouldn’t be fair to mention anyone from the present) for those of you who remember, but think back to Ray Stickel, Tom Mann,  or Kent Spille from Touche Ross or Jim Crane or Al Herman from Barco.  If I think about those individuals, what comes to mind are:
  •          Integrity
  •          Honesty
  •          Intelligence
  •          Character
  •          Compassion
  •          Work Ethic

Besides that, what I remember most about these individuals was they gave credit to their people when things went well, and they absorbed the blame when things didn’t go so well.  They stood up for their beliefs, they stood up for their people, and they gave us a vision when things were going well and when they weren’t going well.  They could communicate clearly and intelligently, some weren’t always eloquent speakers, but they still could string together intelligent thoughts in front of an audience.

Sadly, I find none of these leadership qualities in the current president. 

Finally, what I find the most troubling is the flock of “religious right” who have backed the current president.  Christian “leaders” such as Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell, Jr. have come to his support and defended the various transgressions he’s committed.  I would never question whether a person was a Christian or not, that’s not my place.  But please don’t tell me that the current president is acting in the name of Christianity.  There is nothing Christian about what he says or does.  If you are swayed solely by the abortion issue, I would ask you if you also believe in taking care of those children once they are born, and also if you are willing to accept refugees from other countries to allow them to live.  I’m just thankful that most true religious leaders have not sold out like Mr. Graham and Mr. Falwell.

Is everything lost, am I just preaching gloom and doom for our country?  No, not really, but I do believe that indirectly the current president will “make America great again”.  I believe that we will continue to decline.  While our history, economy and military might still provide a great deal of influence in the free world, other countries, with much stronger and better leaders, will continue to grow and emerge.  We will continue to decline under his leadership, or lack thereof.  He has absolutely no clue what he is doing, he is too lazy and not bright enough to try to figure out how to be president, and he has appointed a cast of stooges to help run our country.  While I believe James Mattis, H.R. McMaster and Rex Tillerson have been reasonably good choices for the administration, we have a whole slew of sorely unqualified people like Betsy Devos, Jeff Sessions, Rick Perry and Ben Carson, along with the family and friends – Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump and Steve Bannon, trying to run this country.  We have a dearth of leadership in this country currently, starting at the top, and it seems, no one is willing or able to step up.

Once we have declined enough, and we realize we are not great, or even good anymore, we will realize we have to rebuild.  We will realize that even though we have two parties, or maybe more, we still have to come together and cooperate for the greater good of the country.  We will work together for a common good rather than what is simply good for “my side of the aisle”.  We will remember what made America great was our compassion for others, and our willingness to work for the greater good rather than our own personal benefits. 

Not sure if any of my dear Republican friends are there yet, so I’ll at least try to invoke the name of one of our greatest, Ronald Reagan.  As the stories go, and they may just be stories, but when the Republicans and Democrats couldn’t agree, and they violently disagreed in the public, President Reagan would quietly meet with Tip O’Neil, a Democrat, and Speaker of the House of Representatives.  Over some drinks at the White House, they would discuss what needed to be done for the good of the country, not for the good of each party.  They would quietly agree to something that would be in the best interest of our country.  No idea if this is all fact or fiction, but it seemed to work so much better than the insanity that we face now.

I’m sorry guys.  I vow to vote straight party Democrat until your president is out of office to do everything possible to block his agenda.  I cannot and I will not support this president.

 Not my president.  Never my president.


  1. Steve:

    This is well written. I would expect nothing less from you. But your logic has this large flaw: two 'wrongs' have never made one 'right'. And they never will. If Trump is what you say, then that 'wrong', plus the the wrong of voting for Democrats, will never make a right.

    I will not try to defend Trump to you, as you have already gone well past that. But the Democrat-left is the party of three things, and three things only: perversion of human sexuality, forced death and collectivism. If you support those, then by all means vote to install them in office. But after having argued the pro-life position to pro-death leftist for the last 30 years, I can say with certainty that the Democrat-left's argument on all issues ultimately rests on this premise: "Do not confuse me with the facts, I want what I want!".

    As John Adams famously argued at the trial of the British soldiers accused in the Boston Massacre: Facts are stubborn things." Indeed they are. The facts won the day then, and the soldiers were acquitted. May we be blessed by God that, in our current day, The Truth also win out

    Pat Walsh

    1. Pat,

      I really appreciate your comments. We can agree, we can disagree, and we can agree to disagree. But, I always love to hear well thought out responses, even if they are contrary to what I say or think. Thank you for your comments, I really appreciate it.

      Kind regards,

