Friday, November 6, 2009

Interview with WIKA

As I noted in my previous post, I was with Barco for 13 1/2 years. Looking for a new job after all that time was a new experience for me. As I went through the process, I kept my family and close friends up to date on my progress. Here is the e-mail I sent after finally concluding my search and choosing WIKA. It was a funny process to go through. When I went on interviews I felt so strange thinking about going into a new building each day for work after being at Barco so long. WIKA was a place that I really felt at home, which meant so much for me. As a side note, you will all be happy to know that once Michael Jackson died, the boys have changed Laurel's text signature to Queen Latifa. In any event, the e-mail I sent after it was all said and done:

As many of you know, I was down to the final two candidates on two jobs, which were decided within the last week. Of course, I tried to do the math and figure that 50% on two would work out to be 100% on one! OK, I knew that wasn't the case. So I heard from the one, and as I suspected and knew deep down, they viewed me as being overqualified and determined it wouldn't work out. I was OK with that, although I wanted to have something in hand, even if it may not be the one job I wanted.

So it came down to the other job, which I interviewed for on Tuesday. As noted, I knew they were down to the final two candidates, and I really wanted this position. It was only 10 minutes from my house, but more because of the opportunity and the challenge it presented. I really felt like it was an ideal fit for me. I spent a lot of time prepping for the interview, and ensuring I would be as ready as possible. Tuesday morning I was getting pretty nervous because I really wanted to do well. But there were two factors that helped me be as calm as possible.

One was that the recruiter that I was working with gave me some phone tips on being as prepared and feeling as good as possible. He said shine your shoes, get a haircut, wear your lucky tie, do whatever makes you feel good about yourself and confident. I kept thinking, these are the types of things I always do, so no real help here. Then it dawned on me. I always carry a folder with me with the company information and any other information that I believe will be helpful in the interview. I took a picture I have of my four children and paper clipped it on the inside of the folder. I consider them my motivation, I need to do everything I can to take care of them. That was the inspiration I needed.

The other thing takes a bit of a story. As many of you know, my wife Laurel takes a great deal of abuse from all of us. At one point, the boys have changed her signature on her phone's text message to be from Michael Jackson. She doesn't know how to change it, so anytime you get a text from Laurel, it's signed Michael Jackson. Shortly before I left to go to the interview, I got a text message that said, "We're all praying for you, signed Michael Jackson". One, how could I possibly not succeed with everyone praying for me. Two, the Michael Jackson part just cracked me up. So I left for the interview and felt so relaxed and calm.

I spent 6 1/2 hours there, interviewed with various people, got a plant tour, and went to dinner with five people. I got peppered with questions, got to eat two bites of my steak, but it was worth it, I wanted to focus on the interview and handling all of their questions. After the interview, I was sky high. I really felt like I had put myself in the best position possible for an offer. I knew they were interviewing the other candidate on Wednesday, so I had to wait of course. Wednesday was hard, Thursday was awful. As some can attest to, I was incredibly crabby on Thursday, worrying about the outcome. Late on Thursday, I received the call that I had received the offer. I plan to tell Barco today that I will be leaving in three weeks. I start my new job on August 25th.

Last night, I brought Laurel some flowers and a card. As I told her, we did it, I couldn't have done it without her. She actually was a part of the interview process with the recruiter, they wanted to get her perspective on me and what I was like. Of course that's a small part of it, she is a huge part of everything that I am and that I do. I couldn't have ever done this without her.

And I couldn't have done it without all of you. Your prayers, your calls, your wishes, your help, everything you've done has been incredible. I know some of you are tired of hearing it, but I really do feel like George Bailey from "It's a Wonderful Life". I can't believe how many people have done so much to try to help me and be there for me. I am so thankful every day, and I am so happy that God has put so many great people in my life. I don't understand or know why I've been blessed with so much, but all I can do is thank all of you and thank God of course. Thank you, thank you all.

I'm very sad to be leaving Barco, I have been here 13 1/2 years, and I have loved it, especially the people I have grown with here. It's time though to embark on a new adventure. This may be the last e-mail for a while, I just wanted to give you closure at least on this chapter. A new chapter begins in a few weeks.

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