Friday, December 18, 2009

The Apple Sometimes Falls Far From the Tree

I’ve posted two videos, one of Patrick singing Not a Day Goes By, and one of Sean singing Be My Escape. There are several reasons I wanted to post these videos. One, of course, is that I’m incredibly proud of them. I believe they are both very talented musically. They both sing, play guitar, play piano, and used to play the French Horn. I have absolutely no idea where this talent comes from, and it definitely doesn’t come from me. As Laurel notes, I’m lucky they let me sing in the pews at church, and to be honest, I can’t even clap along to a song. I’m also incredibly proud of them because they are willing to get up in front of people and do this. I have had to give many presentations and speeches in front of people, but I couldn’t imagine ever trying to perform in front of others. I think it takes a great deal of courage and love to do something like this.

Lastly, I wanted to post these as a tribute to their voice teacher Steve Burkholder. Actually Steve has also been their piano teacher, counselor, therapist, advisor, and I’m sure a multitude of other titles. I used to say that it takes a Church to Raise a Child. There is so much that children deal with these days, it takes more than parents to raise them. The Church provides so much help, and the schools help a great deal also, if you find the right school. Sometimes, however, you are able to find someone who comes into their lives that helps them become the person they have the capability of becoming. Steve has done that for Sean and Patrick. We are so thankful and blessed that he is a part of their lives.

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